Passer Baroe

Old but beautiful

Tria Changcuters

Tria is in the Air

Double Six Beach

This is one of my favorite, Double Six


capture me ..

Evening at Kuta

I love listening to the sound of waves

on a plane

I hate to go..


I'm a spoon
You're a fork
We don't always need each other
But, when we are together
Everything seems easier
Everything seems perfect

We are One

one for all, all for one. 


she is afraid of clown, and i got her expression :D

Claudia's Photoshoot

Few weeks ago, i helped my friend to take some photos for her online shop.

Talent & Make up : Claudia Stephani
Photo, Lighting, & Editing : Feronica Christiani

you can visit her online shop here :


she's annoying, but how adorable when she's sleeping. i love you Alexa.

I Heart Jakarta

That was a beautiful day, end with beautiful photos. 


sometimes i'm too lazy to wear this things.


there's no day without you


Just begin with it.